It's been quite a year
It has been over a year since an update and for that I apologize. So much has happened, but life has also felt at times like it is standing still. The program has made so much progress in this past year and so we- Dr. Isaac, Sharon, and I have come together to give you updates on our current programs and the Tusubira compound.
As we are in our 9th year working together, we thought we would give you a bit of backstory as to where we began all those years ago.
Dr. Isaac and I met in July of 2013 while I was in Uganda taking photographs for another project. We immediately bonded over our shared belief that with education, great change is possible. When I returned home I started The Grow Hope Foundation with my dad’s help (he’s an accountant). Isaac started SCEP- Sustainable Community Education Program in Uganda- and undertook all the necessary steps to create official registered non-profits in our respective countries. We then began working- Dr. Isaac, Sharon (Sharon is our social worker), and Godfrey (researcher/photographer/information) were running weekly meetings in our community, at first teaching sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition, later teaching how to successfully grow food, and then beginning our many programs on skills training, money management, and business planning. Isaac also purchased our compound which has grown over the years as he has added pieces of land adjacent to ours. We named that compound Tusubira Village- tusubira being the word for “hope” in Lusoga and Luganda (the local languages) and it has become the place in which we run all of our programs out of. Meanwhile I began fundraising, creating an incredible team of monthly donors, as well as running specific fundraisers for things like our well and our first building on the compound. We’ve also been blessed with donors who support us annually which has allowed us to do some of the larger projects like our buildings to host our tailoring program, an outdoor kitchen structure to host guests as part of our self-sustainability program, and most recently a 4 wheel drive van to travel to hard to reach communities.
Our partnership with Tusubira Village has gained clarity over the past two years. While The Grow Hope Foundation has continued to support the programs run on the compound, the Tusubira team has made incredible strides to grow the self-sustainability aspect of the program.
Self-sustainability has always been the goal of our work. While we will always work in partnership with Tusubira Village, the idea was never to create a dependent relationship. It was to create something that would eventually stand on its own, generating its own income that would in turn fund the programs that we had set up and established. Because as we have said from the beginning, we are not an aid-based organization, we are empowerment based. We will help those in our community gain the skills they need to create their own success story.
To that end SCEP had built six guest huts to eventually host visitors to the area while they worked for other non-profits, organizations, and churches. However, during the past two years, with no international travel and the country being on such stringent restrictions, the team discovered that those same guest huts could host a variety of gatherings for domestic visitors. Guests from Kampala were excited to discover that within a few hours drive they could find themselves in a beautiful tranquil setting. They began to rent part of the property for engagement parties, baby showers, birthdays, and team building events. Our outdoor dining space has hosted a number of meals, for both overnight guests and day visitors. Recently we’ve had a donor offer to purchase appliances to properly outfit the kitchen, which will be used to prepare meals on a larger scale, thus eliminating the need to hire out for catering when guests are there. This will also offer women in our community the potential to create their own business by offering catering to our guests. We have some pretty amazing cooks in our area. The team continues to add to the compound to build an income-generating business, which in turn supports the programs run on the compound. When guests come they are given a tour and we share with them all that we do through our programs. Dr. Isaac has sent me videos of guests sharing their support and enthusiasm for how their visit supports something that empowers others by offering opportunities they wouldn’t already have. It’s a large component of their business plan and is well received.
When it comes to our programs, the last two years were a challenge. However, the team took the restrictions and worked within them to continue to connect with those we work with as much as possible in hopes that when those restrictions lifted, we would be able to resume our work with our community and the schools we work in. Dr. Isaac and Sharon have shared how those programs weathered the pandemic and where they are now.
From Dr. Isaac
Hello! I am Dr. Isaac, the program Director at Tusubira Village and the co-founder of The Grow Hope Foundation. I am thrilled to be a part of this life-changing program that has given and restored hope in many lives. In the past nine years the program has had remarkable impact in our communities right from improving access to clean water, reducing the burden of diseases due to poor hygiene and sanitation, improving nutritional status and reducing the burden of malnutrition, especially among children, empowering girls to reduce incidences of sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy, school dropout and missing school during menstruation.
Highly vulnerable women and teenage mothers were empowered to make a foothold into a life of purpose through skills training and providing financial opportunities to start small businesses.
The impact of the programs are remarkable and highly promising to create lifelong socioeconomic transformation even to far reaching communities.
As we take stock of the achievements, we are gratified and we take full notice in every donor for bearing the most kind and generous giving heart. Thank you for the donations that further our mission and the most extraordinary gesture of kindness that draws us close to our goals.
The past two years
During the 1st lockdown of early 2020 most of the programs were put to a halt and efforts were directed to helping the beneficiaries of our work survive during the most unprecedented time. Our school outreach programs for Give Girls A Voice, the Tailoring Program, the Women Business Group meetings, and our Sunday Girls' Program paused for a while as we took time to adapt to and develop new Strategies of Progressing (SOP) amidst the pandemic. Adapting to the new normal enabled us to proceed with the programs with SOPs in place.
Our Programs
Give Girls A Voice
No doubt, COVID-19 back rolled progress that had been made to achieve gender equality in education. The overall school closure for 2 consecutive years left children at risk of neglect, abuse, exploitation, and gender based violence with most disproportionate effects on the girl child leading to a spike of teenage marriages, pregnancies and an end of their education career especially for girls from families under abject poverty, where access to the most basic needs became absolutely impossible. To mitigate the irreversible devastating impacts of COVID-19 to the girl children in our beneficiary communities, The Grow Hope Foundation steadily supported the provision of basic needs, especially food relief items. Together we also provided sanitary pads to girls in communities and home schooling materials. We also included facilitation of mentors to reach out to groups of girls in different communities.
The approaches were enough and we are proud that none of the girls in our programs fell victim. Thanks to the support of The Grow Hope Foundation all girls have rejoined school, 56 were supported with stationary, 12 girls are being supported with school fees until an agreed time when their parents should have gained financial strength to support their own children.
We are excited to resume our normal school to school Give Girls A Voice programs and mentoring more teachers to be part of the program given the high number of students in the schools.
The catastrophic impacts of COVID-19 on the girl child have been clear evidence that the girl child is most endangered and worthy to empower.
Girls with their re-usable sanitary kits sewn by our tailoring program for Give Girls A Voice
Women’s Business Group
Prior to Covid 19 the Women’s Business Group who had obtained micro loans provided by the Grow Hope foundation were all well being able to make weekly savings & growing their business. All women were extremely excited about the gains they were making towards economic independence.
The outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic reversed all gains that had been made over a period of time. The long lock down made it impossible for the women to support their families with the basic necessities without running into their savings & capital plus relief items from the Grow Hope foundation for survival.
All business lost their capital causing threat to the women's goal of economic independence.
Thanks to The Grow Hope Foundation’s stimulus donation of capital that was given to women & the good business skills they were empowered with, they have been able to start again with vigour while putting into account the big lessons they learnt from the lock down.
Women are now back in their business & the number of members has increased to 30 from 12 before the lock down.
They now save for uncertainty as well.
The Tailoring Program
The tailoring program resumed with an increase in the number of girls who came to be skilled because schools were closed. They opted to use the time to attain skills but also to keep busy and reduce chances of falling prey to the many bad vices in the communities experienced during the pandemic. Others joined the skilling program because they realized how hard it would be for them to rejoin school due to overwhelming financial difficulties as a result of COVID-19. Housewives who felt the pinch of being dependent and not economically productive during the lockdown joined to gain skills for future socioeconomic independence.
The infection prevention and control strategies such as masks, whose implementation was with much gratitude funded by the Grow hope enabled us to quickly resume and run the tailoring program because there was overt overwhelming need to give hope to many lives of children and women who seemed lost and hopeless at the time.
Some changes that enabled the program run successfully
- adhering to COVID-19 prevention SOPS
- Working in small groups
- extending our working hours and days to Include weekends
- working from outdoors
- hiring more trainers
Sunday Girls Program
At the start of the pandemic, the Sunday program was paused. However the high prevalence of violence and sexual abuse against children clearly signaled how our achievements would be undone without measures in place to continue delivering girl empowerment programs to the girls within and out of our proximity.
We worked with teachers from different schools to compile academic material for home learning. We also compiled and distributed counseling and guidance material until a time when we developed the capacity to visit girls in small groups within their communities to empower them with health and life skills and provided them with essential needs like the reusable sanitary pads under strict adherence to infection prevention and control measures. These measures enabled us to prevent incidents of teenage pregnancy, marriages and school dropout among the beneficiaries. All girls have rejoined school after attaining some skills in tailoring that will be helpful. Some women who got tailoring skills are starting to open up small businesses which will enable them get financial independence.
With gratitude,
Dr. Isaac and Sharon
So, thank you.
Friends, none of this would have been possible without your continued support, encouragement, and friendship. I don’t often look at the overall big picture but as I read all that has been accomplished, I am a bit in awe that together we have created something that will have such a lasting effect on multiple communities in rural Uganda. I am so grateful to our team for their years of dedication, their enthusiasm for the communities in which we work, and their true and ongoing belief that the work we are doing will continue to impact our communities for years to come. I am grateful for you- our donor team, who have come along side us to make every single thing we have done possible. While you may not have been to Tusubira Village yourself, YOU HAVE TOUCHED this program and made it possible. Thank you for being a part of this work.
We have of course lost some of our donors over the past two years. Understandably circumstances sometimes change and we are always grateful for the time they spent supporting our program. If you know someone that you think may be interested in being a part of our donor team, we’d really appreciate if you would share this post with them. We are always more than happy to welcome new donors to our team.
With love,
Kim, Isaac, and Sharon