Look what we have done!
Hello friends!
We’ve returned from Uganda after a wonderful nearly two weeks at our educational compound Tusubira Village. We were absolutely amazed at the progress that had taken place since January of this year. Not only is the guesthouse half-way completed but the gardens are incredible! There is beautiful produce being harvested daily and being taken to market as part of our sustainability program. Groups are meeting at the compound to learn about both farming and to take part in skills training. The dedication to learning was impressive and I was so proud of the work the team is doing to create opportunities for this community.
We also hosted our first big workshop at Tusubira Village. I wish I could put to words what it meant to Dr. Isaac and I to see our dream come to fruition. The response from the participants- who had traveled seven hours on a bus to come and spend two days learning how to farm as they are facing a famine where they live- was so positive and excited. These 31 women will now be able to share the skills that they learned at the compound with each of their 31 cooperative communities in hopes of creating sustainable nutrition for their families. We couldn’t have asked for a better first workshop and are now certain that what we have been working so hard on for the past two years was exactly what we needed to be doing.
Now that we are home again and looking towards the holidays and the end of the year, we will be doing everything we can to raise the last $28,000 we need to finish the guesthouse at Tusubira Village. This building is the hinge on which so many of our plans are waiting. Once completed we will be able to implement much needed programs like family planning, empowering our local teachers and growing the Porridge Project. It is the next step in our journey and we can’t wait to begin the next exciting chapter. If you haven't had a chance to see the video tour of Tusubira Village you really must see it~
We will be shutting down our Go Fund Me campaign and sticking solely to donations through our website. It is so easy to make a donation with the button found below. Every single dollar counts and we are really pushing to complete this fundraising campaign by the end of 2015. But to do that we really need your help. We always appreciate your donations. But we are also grateful for your willingness to spread this campaign via social media. If you would copy the link to this post and spread it around we can finish this guesthouse and move forward in 2016! I promise you- you will be amazed at what happens next!