Tusubira Village- building our first structure

Right now we are in the process of fundraising to build our first structure on the compound.  With a well in the works (thanks SO MUCH for your support in funding that!) we can now move on to putting a structure on the property.  This first building will house our social worker Sharon  and also have rooms for board members who are visiting Uganda to stay in.  It will have a western bathroom and a small kitchen so that food can be prepared for visitors who may not tolerate food cooked in the homes of our community. Once we get this building completed we can return to Uganda and stay in the middle of the community that we are working with, on the compound that is meant to offer hope to the surrounding area.  Going forward our visits will be even more productive as much less time will be spent traveling to and from the community.  It will also allow us to have Sharon, a valuable asset to the women of the community on-site whenever she is needed.  It will also offer the team there a place to meet in the rainy season, as well as to store supplies until an official office space can be built.


Plans have been drawn up and we hope to raise the funds needed to build this first structure as soon as possible.  We would love for you to be a part of this.  All donations are tax-deductible in the US.  Please email thegrowhopefoundation@gmail.com to donate.