The Workshop- a space at Tusubira Village where we host various educational programs.
Thanks to the generosity of both our ongoing donors and a special gift at the end of 2018, funds were raised to build a Workshop Facility on the premises of Tusubira Village, our compound.
This structure is specifically designed to provide a large, uninterrupted space that can be modified for the needs of the community. It can be used for seating for meetings and has the open space needed to conduct various types of occupational skills training, such as our Tailoring Program.
Prior to having this space the community held their meetings outside, which often had to be delayed due to weather conditions. Training such as our Tailoring Program sewing clinics also were subject to weather and had limited space to set up outside. We can now plan for more types of classes and accommodate many more residents to help them build their skill sets towards earning an income.
Updates on Workshop Facility usage can be accessed by signing up for the Grow Hope newsletter. You can find the link at the bottom of the Grow Hope website home page, found here.
The Tailoring Program
Women learn a variety of skills in our Tailoring Program.
A major component that was lacking in the community when we first started our research was the ability for residents to earn an income. There were many factors that contributed to this situation, but one of the easiest to resolve was to provide basic skills training so people could learn a skill and create their own jobs. Since the village is remote and does not have access to traditional trades that are in towns and cities, we worked with residents to figure out what skills would be helpful to learn in order to build their businesses successfully.
Sewing is a skill that most could learn and apply to multiple types of businesses, and the Tailoring Program was launched in order to supply the village with sewing machines and teach interested residents how to create their own businesses by sewing various items to sell or trade.
Updates on The Tailoring Program and future skills training being offered to village residents can be accessed by signing up for the Grow Hope newsletter. You can find the link at the bottom of the Grow Hope website home page, found here.
The Business Program
Our first graduating class from our Business Program at Tusubira Village in 2017.